Rebonding + Iron Perm 2016

This customer have frizzy, damage and dry hair as you can see from the photos. So, our hairstylist did a rebonding from the top to half of her hair then an Iron perm at the bottom. This usually takes minimum 4 hours to complete so please be prepared to spend half of your day at the salon and that it is why compare to the normal rebonding it cost a bit more than the usual one because it takes a lot of efforts and time consuming for this kind of hair.
Side View (Before)
With our hair stylist magic hand…you ready to see the different now?
Now her hair look more shinny and easy to manage. You should twist and blow dry like how our hairstylist did for her even after perm
This is how it looks at the side
Malaysia No.1 Korean Hair Salon
Yoo Jean Hair Salon